> Elliot J. Reed

Elliot Reed

Technical Lead, Software Development
Nottingham, United Kingdom

Hi! I'm Elliot, a software developer / technical lead based in Nottingham. My interests are generally in E-Commerce, Linux, PHP, Javascript, Docker, and general DevOps.

I'm currently playing around with Go, so if you're reading this then you're looking at an AMP page rendered by Go (Gin framework) which reads the content from github.com/elliotjreed via an API written in PHP ( github.com/elliotjreed/api.elliotjreed.com), the source for the Go code can be found at github.com/elliotjreed/www.elliotjreed.com. My main website has a bit more on it: www.elliotjreed.com and the source code (React) can be found for that at github.com/elliotjreed/www.elliotjreed.com.